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Monday, June 28, 2004 @11:19 AM

SOME IDIOT BY THE NAME ABDU MALIQ IS GIVING OUT MY HANDPHONE NUMBER TO HIS FRIENDS. I wouldn't be this pissed off if its only one of his friends who dialed the wrong number, but this very morning, I had got 5 Indian callers (males & females) with different numbers looking for the same guy (ABDU MALIQ was what they repeated when I replied that they had go the wrong number). Tell me what are the chances of 5 person dialing the wrong number, but looking for the same guy? As slim a chance as to finding out how big is the universe, right? This clearly means that IDIOT had really been giving out my number.

Sunday, June 27, 2004 @11:17 PM

Super Slacking Sunday!

I did absolutely nothing.

Saturday, June 26, 2004 @11:43 PM

Second day without any relapse, I guess I’m fine. But I’m still having a bit of sore throat & half running nose. My throat’s full of phlegm 'flam'. I wish I could just cough everything out. Things weren’t going too well for Lao Er as she had been having Diarrhea since yesterday night. She’s still not getting any better after taking the ‘Charcoal’ tablets, she got from her visit to a polyclinic today. Hhmmmm… Charcoal (carbon), I wonder what does it do?

Today was also the second last Saturday before school reopens. I’m feeling every more restless, I want to get out. Why do I have to be sick?

When on another printer hunt on the net since I really can’t do anything else. There was this Lexmark printer which caught my eyes with its lost cost, however the reviews on Cnet wasn’t too good (avenge rating of 6.5). It says there that it runs out of ink fast with ‘so-so’ quality.

Getting bored just looking at printers, I looked up something else on the net. ‘Stikfas!’ that’s right stikfas figurines. The guys who made them are guys so damn creative. Visit http://www.Stikfas.com/ for more information. ?Cool?Cute? Can’t decide which word to use to describe these “fantaStiK” figurines.

Getting drowsy so from my last cocktail of medicine, YES! No more yucky tasting cough syrup! Nitex nitex~

Friday, June 25, 2004 @10:07 AM

I had a relapse of chilliness and fever this early morning at around 3am, reaching a scary 39°C. What it this? It took me a full day to stabilize my body temperature, and I had a relapse. Mum had to stay up again, just to wipe my forehead with a wet towel. After about 20minutes, she went to bed thinking I was OK. But as soon as she left, I started heating up once more. The mattress was making things worse as it was trapping heat I generated. I didn’t want to wake Mum up again, so I pushed aside the mattress and slept on the floor itself. The floor took my excess body heat away, so cooling… I fell asleep soon after, and woke up 7 hours later with a body temperature of 36.5°C. Phewp~ at last, back to normal body temperature. Please, no more relapse…

Cough so much until sore throat, so I had no choice but to continue taking the cough syrup that taste so awful. I’m gonna rinse my mouth later. Can’t believe I used to like syrup medicine more then pills & tablet. But in any case, I rather live my life without them. I’m sure you agree with me, medicines are just so yucky. Everyone take care hor, especially with the haze around. I’m going to rinse my mouth and rest le… TaTa everyone…

Thursday, June 24, 2004 @10:04 PM

03:00am - Freezing
04:30am - Boiling (38.7°C)
05:15am - Lao Er's turn to running a fever
08:00am - Lao Er went to work after vomited, I was still running hot(38.9°C)
10:10am - Lao Er called home asking Mum to get a number queue to see a doctor.
10:45am - Lao Er came home and I too went to see Dr. Looi

Doctor told me: I'm having a classical flu, symptoms (fever, running nose and coughs) that comes in a bundle -.-
Doctor rold Lao Er: Yours should also be flu, but not all the symptoms are out yet..

HEhehee...... silly Doctor =x

Anyway, Mum's so power sia.... taking care of 3 sick children this early morning.. Thank You =)

12:14pm - Took 1 capsule, 2 tablet and 2 teaspoon of syrup.. Yucks.. snooze...zzZZZ
06:30pm - Oak meal for dinner. Then took medicines again. (37.9°C)
09:45pm - >.< I can't sleep... (37.5°C)

@8:48 PM


Wednesday, June 23, 2004 @10:46 PM

I am sick!! or not... I don't know... It's not a flu or a cold... I'm nose is just so irritated by the haze and the fumes release from monster machines. I was sneezing so much I didn't want to do anything, including drawing. It felt so much like I've got water in my sinus. And now a running nose, guess I new a box of tissue next to me later when I sleep. If I know myself better, its going to take me quite a few days to get better. God I wish the monster crane would not be facing my flat during the next few days. *SNEEZE* SHIT MAN!! I've to wipe the monitor screen again. Ok, I guess I should do so now... BYeZ

@3:45 PM

Did a little colouring with photoshop from yesterday and today, Seems like I'm not too good at it. I think I should stop here at star with the clowcards. =) GO Go GO!

Monday, June 21, 2004 @10:56 PM

Oh my aching back! Even my right hand's knuckles are starting to swollen. But even so, I had a great day playing basketball with some old pals and the usual gang. I realized I had been slacking too much, and my footwork got all messed up. Even my aiming sucks, standing under the hoop doing the same action (catching the rebound and shooting) three times before I actually score a point. But something never change, I was still doing my ‘break-dance’ fall and recovery. I rather fall the correct way, then to balance myself and hurt my ankles again.

For the next five games, I got back my scoring feeling and footing. With a nice combination of players, and team work with Linus & Zeng Yuan, we won five games in a row in a 3 on 3(losers out) match. Now how sweet is that? But having played six games in a row to start off the day, I was all worn out. We took a rest and its back to the game again.

Then Tara showed up with her charming smile =), that made me walked away from the on going game (HAha.. that's not the real reason I walked out of the game lah). Passed her prize sketches to her, at the same time I got the One Piece figurines form her. Next, she passed me her donation card with her birthday pen (am I right?) asking me to donate. Running through my wallet, I only managed to find a two dollar note and a lot of coins. I’m so sorry to had only donated two dollars. You must be cursing me by now =x. And sorry again for not helping you ask the guys, but I don't think they will donate anyway. And another sorry for the ball that almost hit you. So having no more donors, she left to collect her passport. And the games went on.

It’s terrible I say. I got a karate chop from Kah Loong the ‘Back Belt’ at my neck. Then there was a sandwich squeeze in between him and Liuns in mid air. Arrrhhh... My aching back. Next, I accidentally hit the ball into Amos's face and the rebound hit my finger tips head on, which should be the reason my knuckles are swollen now. Time passed by and all of us were too tired to carry on playing, so it’s off to the mee pok stall we used to go for lunch. Chitchat and gossip a little... and it was time to say bye bye.

After a nice shower back at home, I assembled the two figurines I got from Tara. This feels like when I’m much younger buying those $0.50 Doraemon box, $1.00 Tora box and $3.50 boxes of candy toy from econ mini mart. But I never did finish collecting the full set of $3.50 toys back then, because it took me so long to save up that the stock ran out. Oh well, now at lease I know there are two shops at sunshine plaza selling these One Piece figurines. Hopefully they don't run out of stock again *fingers crossed*. While unpacking the box, I tot the figurines were just one solid item, that was until I popped Zorro’s big head off while trying to get him out of the wrapper through a small hole I made. HEhehee... His alright, don't worry. I still am impressed with the detailed paintings. I’m so very sure it was all done by hand, they must be. It was high up with some of my gundam on the top shelve (how stupid can I get, I can even see them), but later I took them down and placed them next to my sister's collection Pooh Bear figurines. There was this star-shaped, chocolate coated biscuits thingy that came in the box, I had no idea what it was, but it’s not puffed rice of sure. Watched some anime and took an afternoon nap.

Lao Da returned from work with a blocked nose and ears (I think it’s because she blew her nose too hard), she's really not feeling too well cause it was hurting her a lot just to breath through her mouth. She took her pills and when to bed. Mum and Dad's aren’t behaving like themselves because of Lao Da, so get well soon.

Sunday, June 20, 2004 @11:59 PM

Its finally done, but I think really messed up. Oh well, I had already place down my signature. So it's a fullstop. yeah!

Saturday, June 19, 2004 @10:51 PM

Early morning, Mum accompanied Lao Da to the clinic again. They returned with apart of Lao Da's tonsils removed. The Doctor said if it gets any worse, and operation had to be done. Scary~ I had a tummy ache, rush into the toilet before and after gundam seed. And another time much much later. I'm wondering was it something I ate.

Anyone who has the Japanese anime "Fruit Basket" VCD please leave a comment, thankx =) it felt like a Sunday today, with nothing to do during the afternoon. so I took a nap, and dreamt. I dreamt of myself buying a drink from a vending machine, whereby every drink cost $1.05. All I held was a one dollar coin and a fifty cent coin, so I slot it in and got my drink. WAHahahhahahahaaa......... I hit jackpot when the machine return me my change. Lots of gold coins came out, nice shimmering gold coins. The weird thing was they were all not from Singapore. The coins come in all shape and sizes, and I woke up while going through the different types of coins. Sure enough it was a short 45mins nap.

Later this evening, Lao Er kind of left the computer on and chat away on the phone. So I took over, but she orders me not to logout of her msn messenger. And Then I saw SLEEPING BEAUTY! Too bad I couldn’t get her photo... HEhehee.. Oh well =) Lao Da asked me to decide on a new printer, so we surf the net. She asked for ink that won't smudge, and I was thinking about separated colour cartridges. So we came across the Epson C63, its $50 cheaper then the C60 we bought back then. DAmn, but still I wonder about the ink cartridge price. Hope it’s cheap and last longer too.

Then I came across an ad selling figurines in somebody's blog, so cute. An ad in a blog, now why didn't I think of that? Though the price wasn't really a steal, but I got them. I don't have the physical thing with me now, but the deal has ended. I've better smash my piggy bank and start counting *evil grin* MUAHahahhahahaaaa..........

Friday, June 18, 2004 @11:18 PM

The movie was fine, but I got kind of bored because u already knew what’s going to happen. But what I'm really puzzled was when did Professor Adrian Hall a paleoclimatologist (a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past), ever told his son Sam to hide when the eye of the storm is over them?? Usually I don't mind anyone talking to me during a movie, but Kah Loong was an exception. He was talking through out the whole movie, and he stared at me for no reason. Weird.

So the movie was over, and we made a little trip to sunshine plaza. This time, the figurine stores were all open. There was the One Piece figurines, doreamon too and lots more. The One Piece Island was huge, even larger then what I had in mind. All the figurines were all so cute and detailed. I had a sudden urge to buy them. Too bad for me, what I was eyeing on was out of stock. Here's the website of the figurine shop I was talking about-->> "www.latendo.com"
Next we headed into a gundam shop, cool place. The model there was assembled and so nicely painted, so impressed ^_^.

Then it was another round of window shopping for me at Sim Lim Square. Desmond got himself a new mouse pad, Kah Loong got a new game, and I got myself a nice walk. WAhahaa...

back at home, Lao Er got so angry with the printer because it was printing with lots of unwanted line(its has been like this for weeks), she wanted to fix it. And so she got me involved with the wrecking. This Epson C60 was so much different from the Epson colour 460 I took apart the other time (yes I did wreck the hold printer), this C60 used internal locking system like snap together model kits, instead of screws like the colour 460. I wonder how they would be going about service the C60, with out spoiling the plastic lock. It took me quite a while to remove the casing, what followed was to remove the metal bar. The last time I did that, I didn't know how to put it back. This time I asked Lao Er to clean the printer head with cotton bud, through a gap. Now after that, we wanted to test the printer without the casing on. Jacked in the plug, flick the switch, but the damn thing won't come to live.

Given up rescuing the printer. Lao Er when surfing the net for a new cannon printer. I fiddled with the printer once more, PoUff~! It came back to live. But we didn't do a test print, because we're out of ink. Hahahaa.... all that work with my hands spotted black, and we ran out of iNk! And so the printer is left aside, until some one is kind enough to loan us their colour cartridge for a test print.


@9:43 AM

This is my final piece of work, as u can see, it’s still uncompleted. Apart from that un shaded 10%, I would do some more detailing on the dragons.

Since Wednesday, my Lao Da has been down with a fever. After her second visit to the clinic yesterday, her fever is still turning on and off. to make matters worst, my Lao Er and mum were not feeling too well either. Could it be me who brought this rapid effect of illness among them?

Mum is at the clinic with my Lao Da this very instance. *sneeze* oh god? Could this be a relapse? Bless you (me)! Ok, its about time i prepare to go out to watch "The Day After Tomorrow" again, but this time round with a bunch of guys. See ya later '~'*sneeze*sneeZe*(who in this world is missing me?)

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 @9:14 PM

Draft2 is up =)

@12:01 AM

I think this is going to be the last time I'm going to book an entry. WAhahahaa... Didn't know there's more post options, until Tara's sister told me. Come to think of it, its was pretty lame of me to had been racing against time to book an entry. Since the last sketch didn't quite fit Tara's standard, I thought of doing a new sketch from scratch. Well, its not totally without any reference. I still had the net as my source of pictures, but I can hardly find any decent screenshot taken from the anime itself. Thus, I had to rely on pictures I've found to figure out the facial feature of the dragons. I had completed a first draft today, but its so damn messy, I dun think I want to post it up. Wait for the second draft to be out will ya?

I had been queuing up for this song call "Without You" by Clay Aiken & Kimberley Locke on mirc for the last one and a half hours, and I think I'm like the 10th in line. *yawnz* Tara's sister offer to help since she wasn't sleeping early , and I was like yawning away. I rejected her offer because I won't want to bother her, and if she were to queue up, she would the 25th in line. Suddenly my dad woke up and headed for the toilet, I switched off the monitor and hopped on to bed. It's just so heartbreaking, all the waiting down the drain. I had to shut down the computer before he notice and send me off to bed. Bah~ nitex

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 @2:19 PM

Hello! It has been such a long pause since I last blogged, I guess I was kind of lazy. Thanks to friends who cared, I was already feeling much better that very night when I had that fever. Fever had gone down to 37.3˚C, when I woke up after a totally long nap. Nothing much had happened over the weekends, except for pissing Nova off. I kind of accidentally hinted her secret to her friends, and she was so very furious when that friend of hers called asking. Feeling bad, hope she accepts my apologies.

As for Sunday. Tara came back online after shuai ge fixed the problem. It was a in reality a good news for her sister too, not only did she had excess to the net, she also had peace once Tara is back to surfing the web. HEhhee…. Cute sisters.

Monday, which was yesterday. I rushed out recca’s eight dragons sketch only to find out I got myself the wrong drawing to refer to. Oh well, it was still the fastest full page sketch I’ve ever did, and also my second completed full page sketch. And since it was a full page sketch, I had to find a nice empty spot to sign. TADA~! sideway signature. Hahaha.. that’s the only way I can squeeze in my signature.

Friday, June 11, 2004 @4:54 PM

Just woke up and feeling a little dizzy sweaty and cold at the moment. Mum placed her hand over my forehead and says that I might be running a fever, so I popped my thermometer into my mouth. True enough, the thermometer reads 38.1˚C. This is a normal fever right? If not, I should be resting after taking panadol. Well, as u can see, I’m not resting. Should have seen this fever coming, because I was already feeling cold after a match. Could it be that I perspired too much bringing my body temperature down too much? But before that was radiating off heat. I wonder~

On the lighter side, today’s badminton session was an amusing one. We played a paired match, Desmond with LiLing and me with Linus. LiLing returned our smack by hitting the shuttlecock when it bounced off the floor. Since we’re not playing a proper match already, Linus and I came up with a combo to counted attack LiLing’s special moves. HEHheee…. Our combo was pretty much something like what you would normally do in a volleyball game, either one of us had to set the shuttlecock so that it was the flying straight up and the other would be smacking the shuttlecock down into opponents’ ground. They even did their own style of combos. I learn how to play smart instead of playing with strength today. For the first few match today, I was running all around and hitting long shots, that undoubtfully end up ‘outside’. With stamina dropping quick, I turn to light returns to save my strength. Ended up, everyone was so very close to the net. Then there was this game between me and Desmond, I got the shuttlecock touching the net and falling over to his side of the court, cool huh? Before long we were chase out of the court because our booking time is up.

We went for lunch, well at least they did at block 3’s coffee shop, which was the closest to our secondary school. I only got myself a drink because I told mum that I’ll be going back home for lunch. Saw my god sister, Mujiao, having her lunch at the coffee shop too. She’s currently working as a librarian in our secondary school, heard that the pays not bad for a job that she’s so use to doing. The guys finished eating and it was time to part, we said our good byes and head for home.

After a nice shower and lunch, I went for a nap. And so here we are again, my brain feels like a marble spinning around in my head. Not long after I woke up, Tara’s SMC (save my computer) message came in.. HEHeheee…. I passed on the problem to Kenneth and he passed it on to his friends. We had thought of all possible solutions, but they all dun seem to work. What to do? It’s almost 6pm now, I think I better rest. Sorry.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004 @12:57 PM

I’m feeling lousy today, no event that happened today made me feel that way. It’s just me and my mood swing again. Normally if I were to wake up while it was dark and gloomy outside, I would be pretty happy and snuggle back underneath my warm blanket. But for today, I stare out the window thinking. Thinking of really silly questions that have no definite answers.

Then the rain comes down hitting the ground telling its secrets, secrets that once I could hear. But now it’s covered with deep thoughts and emotion. Why is it always so easy to complicate stuff and so difficult to see the simplest of things? Crap, I’m just typing crap. I drew this sunflower you below to distract myself hallucinating (errmmm.. too strong a word to use, but I think you get the idea.).

For the rest of the afternoon, I did a sketch of a full detailed character. No name for her yet, any suggestions? Maybe one day with a nice story line, I might use her to produce my very own series of Manga. But until that day comes, I shall remain as an architect in training. Packed the room a little, what difference can I make when it’s my sisters’ stuff all over the place? ARRGGHHhh!

Towards the end of the day, I was feeling a little bit better. Tara gave me a song to search, but she can’t remember the singer. So I had to gather some clues from her, lucky for me she remembers the lyrics. Having an idea of who the singer was, I searched the net and at the same time, asked around. Thanks to Kenneth, I got to know that there still this server on mirc with that song. I can’t remember the last time I actually chatted on mirc, but it felt weird using it again after such a long pause. Yupz, I’ve got the song downloaded and sent over to Tara. Got myself a nice long shower, and hopped onto my sister’s bed. Since I can’t use the computer because my Lao Er was watching animes, I tuned into Perfect 10 on the radio, or rather Baby T’s radio. I got bored and so I started forwarding nice sms(s), can’t let my free sms go to waste now, can I? Cleared Baby T’s inbox as I replied new messages, can’t believe I pressing the wrong button sending my unfinished reply into draft. Before long, there was no one to bug on the phone, partly due to my slow replies I guess. Off I went to bed…zzZZ

Tuesday, June 08, 2004 @11:56 PM

Don’t feel like blogging anything today. Today was just so god damn boring. I am a SLACKER!

Monday, June 07, 2004 @11:57 PM

I remembered setting Baby T’s alarm to go off at eight in the morning, but I didn’t hear a thing. It must be the big crash yesterday that made Baby T gone crazy, or could it be that I was in too deep a sleep to notice the alarm going off. I certainly hope it’s probably me in too deep a sleep, cause I can’t bear too see my Baby T dying at this young an age.

Even so, I woke up just in time to freshen up and headed straight down to Boon Keng MRT station to meet up with the guys (Amos, Kah Loong and Kenneth Lim). We were supposed to meet up and head on down to P.S. to catch “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” together, but we had to leave without Amos because he only woke up after I gave him a call from the station. Onboard the train, we talked about Kah Loong’s new phone plans and of cause his new phone as well. He got himself a Nokia 7250i (teal in colour), which I thought looked really slick. I love like his phone a lot, but I’m truly happy with Baby T. There’s this one feature in Kah Loong’s phone which I think most singlish speaking Singaporeans should understand, that’s right a “Ladio”, Kah Loong said. This reminds me of LiLing’s joke, which animal can you find in Singapore and starts with the alphabet “L”? The answer to that would be Labbit. Cold huh? Well, that’s how the joke was meant to be.

Once we got out of the Dhoby Ghaut MRT station, we took the lift to the seventh floor of P.S. where Desmond was already waiting. Amos and LiLing came shortly after. Since it was still early to enter the theater, we went for a little morning window shopping. The only setback of going window shopping so early in the morning was that, we would just be looking at closed doors. We were merely riding down the escalator and elevating in the lift just to kill some time. Back at the seventh floor, we stocked up on snacks and combos before entering. For the very first time, instead of sitting in a row like we always do, we were divided into 2 row one behind the other. This is a better layout for conversation.

The movie was great; I believe anyone would enjoy it very much. After the movie, we went down to B1 in search of a place to eat. We made a detour and wandered off into “Action city”, where I had no luck finding those One Piece and Doraemon figurines. We decided to eat at Sim Lim Square as B1 was kind of packed. We passed by Sunshine Plaza with more figurine shops, to get to Sim Lim Square. Sad to say, all those figurine shops were closed for lunch. After lunch, we made our way into Sim Lim Square to get Desmond’s graphic card and also LiLing’s speaker. We were roaming the place for up to an hour before everything was bought. I came out empty handed, but I was home with lots of fliers.

It was late afternoon when I set foot inside my house, so I turned on this computer and stoned while downloading animes. Then came my teacher who corrected each and every one of my blog entries, after watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on the television. I think she’s bore of checking for my mistakes already, so it’s up to me to keep my language as perfect as possible. I must do it, I can do it! Cheer on! Though I’ve got a pretty bad hunch that this particular entry has got more mistakes then I can ever imagine. Thinking back on essay writing, it was always the best to write to the minimum words required. The logic is that the lesser one writes the lesser mistakes one would make. This online English teacher of mine is good at teasing people too, some trait passed down by her sister I guess. Should I be happy or sad when I got teased? I was getting a pretty sour feeling then, I still think its best to forget about it. Now, I can’t even tell if I’m dumb or just plan old thick skin.

Till the end of today (12 am), I was still blogging and chatting. That explains why I can blog for hours just for this single entry, right?

Sunday, June 06, 2004 @11:45 PM

It’s not a special Sunday today, but I woke up at 6am all by myself. Guess I slept too much and it was time for me to get up. You guys should know that everyone wakes up later the usual on a Sunday, my family no droudt is the same. Well of cause I would be the only one awake then, doing my business, washing my face and brushing my teeth. There wasn't any nice shows on the TV listing, so I hopped right back into bed or rather onto mattress and tune in to Power 98 fm on my Baby T (hand phone). Next thing I know, my Lao Er tripped over my hands free bringing my poor Baby T all the way down from above my PC Tower. Poor old Baby T, nothing seems wrong until I gave Tara a call later on. I couldn’t end the call. I restarted her and it seems to be working just fine, fingers crossed.

After a buffet of anime, I had porridge for lunch. Here’s where the fun part starts. With the upgrading going according to schedule, the worker will be coming into our house in the coming few weeks. That’s why my dad thought of wrecking their bed, and kind of rearranging some of the stuff. The bed sure is old, but the wood used to make it sure are some tough nut to crack. It won’t be so troublesome if we were to have a set of Allen keys (is that how you spell it?). Bed 'dissected' and I discovered some chalk creation underneath one of the wooden plank, I wasn’t done by me, so what’s your guess? HEhee… all the while I thought I was strong until I tried to carry the piece of wood to dump. The pieces were so heavy and huge, I lost balance somewhere down the stair and nearly topple over. PhewP~ close call there.

We moved all the furniture away from the windows which worker will be bringing down soon. Mum & dad will be sleeping on mattress from now on. I grew bored after all the moving, so I started on my gundam modifying again. It didn’t go too well, like I said, it was messy. It was fun trying it out again anyway. Pretty soon it was dinner, and I threw all the food back down into my throat as usual.

Saturday, June 05, 2004 @10:39 PM

You know that little nap I was talking about a little while ago, well actually it turns out to be not that little after all. Slept all the way till 6pm, that’s like 3hours of sleep. Oh god, don’t think I can fall asleep that early tonight. I woke up once again for dinner, mum and dad bought this boneless duck rice from Kahlang Bahru which I really loved. You don’t have to go worrying about choking on any bone, because there isn’t any. When they say boneless, they mean it. Each grain of rise is just perfectly coated with a layer of gravy, every single bit of them. But the finishing touch to this dish is its chili sauces. Now I’ve got to tell you all I really hate chilies, but I’m ok with this one and I have no idea why. Maybe I should get the stall number from my mum later on and share it with you all, ok? By the way, they won’t charge you extra if you want to add more rice or chili.

After that, we (My sisters and I) watched “50First date” on the computer as our parents watched some progamme on the television. Second movie of Try thinking making the love of your live(Girlfriend of cause) falling in love with you each and everyday, now how sweet is that? I think it’s really sweet. So do remember if I do forget you one day, may it be time, aging or just simply I can’t recall. If you know me, do say hi to me and remind me of all the good things or bad things in my life. Hey, I’m talking here as if I’m really old next time. So don’t come reminding me every single thing after you read this entry, HEhehee…

Then I was stoning in front of the computer again until my friend showed up online, errmmm… in reality his Rachael’s cousin. Ivan’s his name, and he got through the 1st round of Singapore Idol’s judging. Sad to say his sweet cousin (not Rachael, another one from Australia named Vicky) didn’t make it. Arrhh.. Poor 16 year old kid, think she’s going to be ok. “It was unfair, There were like 200 people in the last group... they were send to different Judges and were not properly informed and treated seriously”, Ivan said. Well I don’t really know, what’s done cannot be changed. Good luck to you.

Friends of Rachael, please don’t go asking her anything about her cousin ok? Because I think she knows nothing about this, and I think she can’t be bothered. Thankz

@12:52 PM

Just came back from P.S. not too long ago. The movie was great, though i've already expected certain events to happen. Hey, but my mum liked it. =) True enough, the place was just empty and people started changing seats. I'm not going to be a spoilsport and blab out the movie, you guys out there reading this, please check this movie out ok? Maybe you'll learn that keeping a promise till the end could mean a lot to someone waiting.

Grab some prawn tako balls as we headed down to the mrt station. Mum never did like the watery uncooked texture of the balls.. Huh... Woke up earlier then usual today, so I think I might catch a little nap later~

Friday, June 04, 2004 @10:40 PM

Its Friday again, a day I like while schooling, and day I hate during holidays. Time really flies, got to live with no regrets. I tune into every radio station, and they all have one thing in common. The DJs keep on repeating its a Friday, so chill. ARRGHH I HATE FRIDAYS DURING HOLIDAYS, its feels like counting down till school reopens. Anyway, I got to fell in love with this song on air, its call Accidentally In love by Counting Crows. You'll find this song familiar, because it was taken off the sound track from Shrek II. A truly electrifying song, but sorry guys for I still have no idea how to share it with you on this blog. If you do have the time and patients, do look for it on the net or something (hopefully it’s not illegal), it’s a great song.

I think I've lost the momentum to continue with the cards, instead I'm doing another sketch with marker and colour pencils. Well, it didn't turn out too good. But it was a nice try, might even put this skill of colour sketch to good use in my course. Shortly after that sketch was done, I fell asleep and waking up to welcome dinner into my tummy. After dinner, I came back online to download and watch a few animes. Stoning was all I could do after that.


@10:40 PM

Hey Guys, I've found out somewhere on the net where you can listen to Accidentally In Love by the Counting Crows. But a winamp player is require on your computer, without further ado, here's the site.

Tonight, somebody reminded me that I'm a little pervert, a pretty irritating one. How should I react? I guess, I've got to accept and change. As much as I don't like to go back to the quiet me, still I got to or I will have friends leaving me I guess.

WAHahhaa! Tara looked me up for another game of Hexic, such determination. I’m feeling kind of bad to have left half way into her game for a shower, leaving her with no competitor and definitely no mood to play. I'm sorry girl.

I've bought tickets (actually only 2) to catch "The Day After Tomorrow" with my Mum. I bet she have forgotten the last time she went of a movie, shame on my dad. HEhheee... She's a pretty hardworking Mum lah, taking care of us 24hours non stop. Since I got paid from Tara's job, I thought of treating her to this movie. My sister's are joining us too, but they are going to pay for themselves =p. Hopefully my Mum understands what's going on in the movie, you know the Chinese subtitles for thrillers really flashes by fast, hope she can catch them. I’ve just checked the seats again online. Apart form us four, only five other seats have been taken up. The privilege of going for an early morning movie is that you'll get whole cinema to yourself. =) LalalAlal~

Thursday, June 03, 2004 @10:50 PM

Live after marriage, hmmmmmmmm..... Now shrek II would be a really cool movie to describe it in a magical fantastically way. Sacrificing for each other, even changing. But all that doesn't matter, its finding out and remembering how and why couples fell in love with each other again that is more important. With that in mind, one can always treasure and cherish their love ones. Married man should be happy, cause they have their entire life time to pursue their wife. HEhehe like that phrase a lot. Hey, check Shrek II out if you haven been to the cinema for like months.

Ahh.... For the rest of the day, I was too lazy to start on any cards. slack slack slack slack slack.........

Wednesday, June 02, 2004 @11:48 PM

Singapore so small that I nearly met Tara at the edge(only the timing was off), and just two train stations away from where her er jie was. =)

Played a game on msn I haven touched in months since Tara got busy and her com was down. Anyway, it just means a long long time. Hexic is the name of the game, and I've top it (at least on my chart) Tara says she missed it, my guess is she have not given up beating my score my guess. Well, she's pretty close behind I guess. Next on the chart after me, she really can play hard man.

Then there was this other game we played, Bejewel, a game I was totally not in luck with. I wonder if there was a trick to this game, she made it all the way to the top with out barking a sweat in one go. As for me, eight games and I didn't budge an inch on the chart. Did I mention that out of the eight games, five of them I was cussed with no more moves after jus seven to ten moves. So when I say she plays hard, I mean it.

@6:57 PM

My Lao da's friends called to ask if we're interested in this Korea-Sing exchange programe, we only have to pay for the air tickets. Boy do i wanna go. If i'm lucky enough, might even meet some cute korean girls. Might even be leaving under the same roof with one. =D.... (drooling) best thing is that all we have to do is stay with them for five days, and they won't have stay with us. Sad to say, i can't make it. its from the 28th June to 4th July... sad man... so its up to my sisters... sigh... time to go.. byez~

@4:58 PM

Woh! So tired~

Just came back from Jurong East, which wasn't part of the destination today. I was suppose to go out with my Lao Da to Sim Lim Square to stock up on some CD-R(s), and then to Bugis Junction's cold storage to look for pans for making cheese cake. So we got our CD-Rs and headed towards Bugis. Lao Er called, asking us to make a trip down to the Akira building down at Jurong East to get her and her Honey each a set of cordless phone which was on sales. So we agreed.

Coming out form cold storage with the pans, I dragged my Lao Da to the edge with me. Silliest thing was that I walked out when the lift stopped at the second floor, I could have swore that I saw the display showing the third floor. We walked around once, twice. Scanning through every store, especially those which sells small figurine items and weird stuff =x. Still I don't see any doraemon or one piece figurine which Tara describe. It's getting late, so we got onto the train and headed downwards to Boonlay.

Along the way, I feel asleep standing like I always do when I go to school. Now this was the first time I've actually got off that station. There was free shuttle service to take us to Akira, once again I dragged my Lao Da to walk with me. *yawn~ Big mistake, I can hardly catch my breath when we reached. Sad to say, we were late. All the $59.90 sets were sold out, what's left was another model which cost $109. Called Lao Er to make confirmation and she's willing to pay more. Its limited to one person per set, so I had to walk up to the casher and pay. ARRGGHHH there goes my pay!!! She better returns it to me!!!

Outta Akira and towards IMM to get a drink. We got the new sundae float, which is like the original float. When I say like the original, I mean the ice cream will be had to reach when you finish your soda. Having the ice cream stuck with the ice cubes was bad enough, the addition of hot fudge makes it impossible to suck anything up. Next Someone else called, it was Lao Da's friend asking her to meet up. DAmn DAmn DaMn!!! Now I have to carry everything back home. Shouldn't had played with those dumbbells earlier on. So here I am, back home with aching arms again.

@12:07 AM

Just finished watching "The Wedding Panner", when it was suppose to be small vile. What a wonderful and lovely show. How do they do it man? Love seems so simple, so perfect. Well at least the wedding was, that must be why they didn't film live after marriage. But who knows, maybe love that last do exist. Anyway, picked up a few lines from the show. HEheee.... Simple words, beautiful language. How I wish I can just come out with all those gorgeous phrase. Arhh, wedding sure is beautiful.

OK, now everyone in this house is sleeping. What should I do? Lao da bought this vcd titled "My Girl", its a Thai movie telling a story of a very young first love. Cute huh? At only age 10. At age 10, food is what matters to me most. HEhee... Its such a shame I don't have any primary school pictures. I was such a pig then, my sisters use to call me an alien cause I was so chubby, my eyes looked a lot like a line behind those HUge, squareish, O~biang looking spectacles. I bet you guys won't believe its me at all. Back then I was called ugly. Now, I'm not handsome, just any other normal looking Chinese guy u might find on the street. But still I like my face then, cause it was fair and flawless. For now, I have to look into the mirror seeing the face of moon with craters so big, you can even see it with your naked eyes.

Hhmmm....... getting way outta point there. With narrowing eye sight, I guess I will not be watching that vcd now. =þ

Tuesday, June 01, 2004 @5:50 PM

What go you know? I'm running out of simple cards to draw. All i can complete today was The Firey and The Flower before my thumb and index finger cramp. Guess i was holding the pencil a little too tight, and there was so many lines to draw to darker. But these two cards sure look damn good, don't you agree? I still have some simple cards left, so i guess i'll start on those tommorw morning and make my way to the toughtest card, which i think is "The Wood" card (lots of leaves to darw). Well before that, think i'm gonna rest my fingers first. *yawn~*


nus architecture
age: 21


. Amanda C.
Ben Nai Tou.
Guang Yuan.
Pei Shan.



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