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Saturday, May 28, 2005 @11:59 AM

HEhee.. everyone's extra smilely today.. I wonder if it is the fact they they can finially get rid of the cute yet annoying little us.. Hee.. well, a client Dr Leong X XostHour=03

Thursday, May 26, 2005 @10:35 PM

What... woke at 6 realizing I fell asleep while sketching... sianz... no time to do anything more abt it... i scanned and whack it into my Ppt slides... Working in the office today is a torture... where i was sitted, it was suppose to be a very privite corner... but it seems like everyone is passing me by. And i was really nodding my head.. until i knock into the monitor and looked silly when big boss passed by... I'm super retard today... colleague ask me to have lunch with them, i paused 5sec thinking "what did she just say?" We were brought to another malay eatery. Aiyo.. ayam siki siki.. still gimme like mountain liddat.. in the end, have to ask Fadz to help me with the BBQ chicken that my colleagues said was nice...

Back to drafting work.. "ring ring ring" client called.. Damn it.. they wanna see the model tml.. *panic* I had to help fadz after my Drafting work with doing A&A(simply revamp the built model) work on the model... OT abit... then i heard "Deyang Come cut Cake!".. Lol.. Boss's Wife Bday.. HEhee... i tot what loh.. not bad lah.. 5weeks, 2 public Hoildays, 3 Office lunch 2 free lunch and 2 bday celebration... tit bits here & there... how can i not miss them? How can i not miss my new name "Diana"*by Zita*... its a Good Bye & Thank U tml... Seeya in the Future.. Ohya... Got back my Logbook.. I got Bs all the way... Happy sia..

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 @9:33 PM

Had the Longest Lucnh break today.. 2 hold hours... Left Office at 12.30pm.. Our colleague brought us to Concourse BK for lunch on the house... On the way there, we passed by lots of 2storey shophouses... and there's this street of foot reflexology shops... BUT really... I doubt so... they have girls wearing like sluts standing at the door... Stareing and smiling at Fadz and me... Really giving me creeps... Lunch with a littler Q & A.. HEhee.. got to know that there use to be male architechs in Mapsdesign but one left after the other mostly likely to be because of the Female working environment...

Then.. Boss's Secretary told us there used to be Males Graduates being inviewed for the job but... she think their nuts *finger roll next to the head*... studying too hard?? they were loud, rude, over-confident... Wow... right now, I'm none of the above... will I be liddat in the future? Hehee... we shall see... Wah.. 2.30pm then we walked back... HEhee.. everyone is slacking with us.. HEhe... Or using us as reason to slack? well, who cares... afterw work...Fadz and I met up with shawn at cityhall.. scrolling along citylink looking for cards.. gift ideas... then we realize... we can pass our colleagues the cards even after leaving mah... so whats the rush.. HEhe..

1day till A.I. 4's result show... ROcker oR CounRty?
2days till last day of work
2days till family charlet
3days till final day to PLAY/REST/ENJOY/REST/LIVE/REST/CRY/REST (tired after charlet mah)
4days till packing for sch
5days till school starts
5days till playing with year 1s
5days till HK exchange presentation

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 @11:08 PM

I've waited... but Fadz never showed up... instead his sms reached me first, telling me to move on ahead to the office because he will be late... So I started working early... I never felt so enegized before, I was hitting those autocad comands like trainning 'ying yang zhi'... I did everything the fastest I could hopeing for no OT... but soon i ran out of juice... Lunch time! WE(Fadz & me & NUS attached students) went just across 1 street to this malay restaurant... This Malay Lady came speaking to me in Malay.. "huh?" then she realize i'm chinese.. Bth... the food wasnt that special... the fry drumstick was dry dry dry dry... As usual... back to work after lunch... work done! and what luck? My sup didnt have anymore jobs for me to do today... at 6.05pm i was the 1st to knock off from work... everyone was like "how come so early today?" I replied "you3 yue1" and they gave me shocked faces.. WHAT? Nvm them... tried to get Shawn to meet me for dinner... but he went back to SP for touch ruby... leaving me all alone... walking towards Bras Bahsa... Dinner at Mac... then walked around Raffles Hotel (I do mean around, once) then I went in... Lucky me.. there's sign boards.. HEhee... Lost sheep will nv be lost again.. wahhaa... Shortly after i made my steps on the marble stairs and reached the Jubilee Lobby... Tara arrived... My heart Pounded, HAhha.. actually even b4 I seen her lah... the place was so grand loh... and I was moving in, alone, first time... so fascinating... Her presents comfort me... heart beats back to normal... and we made exchanges.... Ohya.. I haven thank You for the Cookies... Thank You =D

So the play,12th night, started... and I was freaking shock that it was in queens English... got used to it and manage to capture some basic words, meaning, or actions... Interestingly compicated relationships... with a happy ending... Maybe i should have gotten the progamme, that would have made it clear who is playing what right from the start... This was my 4th play.. i cant remember the title of the 1st & 2nd.. Lol... one in Primary Sch at KahLang Theater, 2nd in sec 1 at dunno where, watching dunno what with the Sch Offical Opening crews & members...(only remember turkish male dancer who can squart and kick)... 3rd, SHit Hole & 4th 12th Night... The applause was glorious... A great start for the 1st days of their play... Yikes! My hands kena grabbed.. Cold~ HAhaa.. More on that when i feel like talking... got free French Lesson on the Bus ride home.. HEHhee.. but only manage to remember.. "Bonne Mademoiselle" ? izzit.. Crap I cant process... WEll... + Good Night Miss +

Monday, May 23, 2005 @4:53 PM

So last Firday I got Home thinking its gonna be one long weekend, but i was wrong... I've got to go back to school to touch up on The Hong Kong Trip Ppt slides under the watchful eyes of our Tutor the following day... Have to give up gg to the School fair back in Bss... Nvm that... I manage to get Shawn to come down and join us at the Multi Media Lab after his training... or should I say, 'Trick' him to come. The Next thing i did... drag him into helping out with ice breaker games for the year ones... Seriously? U think i can Lead when I have problem comunicating? lol.. Funny how my Tutor think i can really speak... and said that I speak more then Shawn.. Lol.. to Shawn, speak more leh... tutor thinks u're quiter then me leh.. Lol... Well, i'll be glad to help but please dun let me lead the games...

Sunday i woke up freaking late.. played a little maple then it was the "lost" marathon in the previous entry

Monday... Woke up late again(dun blame me, U will miss ur bed when u are force to only feel it less then 5 hours a day) i'm talking about the Attachment.. HEhe.. Speaking of which.. My attchment's almost over! 4More days to go... i must think "i still got 4 days to gain whatever i can from the company" Shawn got some free pens(they are with me now) what can i get?? Ehee.. my office is like so small.. HEhhee.. well 4get it.. i've been getting alot of free food from the company.. BTW... ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS WHAT TO GIVE 16 staff as a Thank You gift? (we ate alot of their food u know?) HEhee.... post ur ideas.. thank u.. budget is $30 (i know its not alot... ) then i've been chatting over msn... did some tests... HEhee... kinda silly... but its just 4 fun... Try it.. and some others linked there... HEhee... i've really got to be sleeping, gg to watch 12nights with a Panda. Hehee


@3:33 PM

I dont fell like blogging.. Lol.. kidding... getting kinda sianz.. with ppl asking me to help, and i asked so much questions abt the problem... but then realizing that i cant help... i just dunno how... its like give false hope... but i guess everyone has the same prob.. HEhee..

@1:52 AM

Just finished watching 8 epsiods of 'Lost' on my sister's laptop... thats like almost 8hours straight... I'm really lossing track of time, lol... well anyway... horror show? Nono... its kinda like we Survived-Look back-Move on-Miracale-Reason-Relationship that kinda show... i'll say... its a great show... dun miss it on channel 5 >_o

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 @8:24 PM

rite... i'm like kinda naked for a sheep leh... where do u all suppose i wools from?

anyway.. last Sat(14th may) went out for E2's class gathering.. guys who showed up? Kah Long, Amos, Zeng Yuan and me.. WHahaa... I guess its not a class gathering after all.. but still it has been so long since we met up... They are still as lame as ever... We cant settle to go for a buffet or order... so we voted(kinda lame when the result turns out to be 1[order, me] on 1[buffet, Z.Y.] on 2[anything, K.L. & A.]) HA.. got lecture from Z.Y. La.. Lol... so both of them voted 4 Order.. WHAhaa... its my day man.. all followed me to Swensen because i've never there to eat before man... i'm doing them a favour... they never ate there before either... Whaha... I got baked chicken rice, Z.Y. got baked curry chicken rice, A. got salmon teriyaki and K.L. got breaded chicken meuniere... While waiting.. we chat & laughed like nobody's business... Bth... sorry to be a slow eater ar... or was it that the propotion was just too small for you guys? Lol... well anyway, we ordered a regular earthquack each picking 2 fav. The waitress came back to me and ask me to pick another fav coz mango was out.. so I just ran down the list and picked Pistachio Almond... little did i know that was one long lost fav. in my memories when my dad use to bring me to have ice-cream at the airport's swensen... Whahaa.. Nice Leh.. Yum Yum...

Xbox or movie... we cant decide.. afraid that there wont be much 4player titles that we all like, we went 4 movie <>... the 1 and a 1/2 hour before entering the theater... we went exploring PS.. there's a new Comics Connection there... Went Carifour for some handroll sushi... then out side the theater, we played a game to dicide out seats.. we did scissor paper stone(SPS) 1st to determine the who get to start first on the next game <> … the winner of SPS will be out of the ZJMM to set the number… the 1st loser will get to pick his seat no. last… then the 1st runner up will be out to set the number and the 2nd loser will get to pick his seat no. 2nd last.. so on… Its fair rite? Heee.. I got to pick seat no.9(good number in Feng Shui) and it was really great.. I was smack right in the center… Well, 1h30mins.. a real waste of money... i do not recoment anyone with spare cash to watch... reason being... too expected...

Sunday - I was Mapling the whole day and only manage to lvl only twice.. this game seriously is harder then R.O.S.E. Elective module suppose to be out today.. but i didnt get mine.. so Worried man...

Monday - the bus ride to work really made it a lousy day... 1st... it was packed like shit due to the rain.. next thing i know.. this plump aunty lost her balance infront of me when the bus brakes, causing a chain reaction... she was lucky i was there to block her fall.. but i wasnt holding onto anything and I pushed everyone to the front... Man, she didnt apologise to me even... and i had everyone looking back at me as if they were thinking "whats ur problem?" of coz i did apologised.. but that aunty is really mean... =p

Today - i finally got my workstation today... Whahaa.. i even got the server's password.. EEEehEhehehee....

Saturday, May 07, 2005 @12:18 PM

YEAH! i got my specs made! can cancel it away from my wish list over there-->>>
just collected it after working OT yesterday... it's my 1st half frame specs & also my 1st non-OVAL lens specs.. will show it to u guys if i can find my card reader.. well, its not like we'll nv meet.. so next time also can see lah.. Hehee.. i look good =p

Alright... just when i tot $40+ was the max that phone bills can go(usually under $40), Noo.... i got a shock from my bills this month.. a freaking $98+ thankz to all those calls made in HK.. oh well.. if not for the calls made.. i would be panicing behind HK customs.. did i mention i was stopped at the check point in HK for a incomplete departure card? well, more on that later on... now, sianz over the $98.. there goes my 1st week's attachment pay...

HAha... so it was one of my colleague's Bday yesterday.. the song, the cakes, the wish, the blow & the candle counting (man she's old =x) went on.. so what present did the rest presented to her? a plactic bag with a card that has "treat ur hubby well" writen on it.. what's in the bag?? a set of glow in the dark hand cuffs. if this is not enough to trigger ur dirty thoughts, guess what follows? The Bday girl asked "hey, what about the wipe or chain?" get it now? all that happened infront of me & Fad(the only 2 guys around).. this bunch of girls really reminds me of BSRCY(bendemeer red cross) BTH.... what kinda working environment have i walked into? HAhaa...

Friday, May 06, 2005 @12:45 AM

Lol.. no lah.. i dunno why i did it also.. but should be because i'm use to doing it to my lao da & er.. so what happened?

note: Zita can nv get my name rite

Zita: joy(Nus jie jie), joy.. JOY!
Zita: DAian (Deyang) call joy
me>> *POKED* joy's left upper arm with right index finger
me>> pointed at Zita

HAhaa.. she was like so shocked O_o when i did that.. i know i could have tapped on her shoulder.. but it just happened.. Lol.. i apologised.. BTH... aiyo.. girls dun wear sleeveless when listening to music with ear piece.. its hard to get ur attention when i cant get in front of u... Hehee... nitex

@12:20 AM

my eye's so dry it hurts just to open them, neck can break any moment like a stick under an elephant's little toes & fingers so numb from cutting the softest wood around... why? cause i'm helping FAdz.. I'm actually in a very tight situation.. on one hand my sup, Zita(sounds like Zata gundam from gundam Z), wants me to do something, then another colleague wants me to help her with some calculation.. so my sup says "its ok.. let me know when you are done" so I did the calculation quickly and that colleague, Racheal, was like.. "huh? do so fast for what?".. WAHLIEW? i finish quickly also cannot? doesnt make sense rigth? more over i need to see my sup. Ok.. so i got a new task from my sup.. but what do i do after 6pm? I stopped my work & back helping Fad.. working with a sharp crafting knife and fading consciousness, i almost stab myself in the chest trying to cap my knife. Modeling isn't fun when the Deadline in tml... there is no time to perfect things.. I helped in making the railings & ramps, today... when it seems like an ez task to do, the turns out to be a big NO NO.. its a test of agaration skills to get the bluster(the vertical pole holding the hand rail) in place. Man, i feel like i'm getting sick... i need rest.. everyone, rest well too.. rest ur body and esp ur mind..

Thursday, May 05, 2005 @12:01 AM

HAhaha.. I began the day helping fad again.. I shouldn’t be doing it.. But I did.. I’m a bad boy... BTH... if so fun to do model rather then facing the com all day long... finished 1 facade, stair case railings & more facades after... so fun so fun.. But it was back to cading after lunch... lalalaa... autocad is now "liddat liddat" le.. HAhahaa.. Guess what was next? I was actually racing against this NUS girl that was here 4 attachment as well... she's a pro autocad-tist her typing speed is of what I usually see in the office... She damn power loh.. Took my seat.. Leaving me with the unstable stool.. ='(bully!! NUS jie jie bully SP Di di.. i bought some blueberries muffins from the bakery near my office... smells good, crispy on the outside & moist inside.. But.. Its more of oiliness then moist.. .. Still it was nice.. LAala... zzZZ

Wednesday, May 04, 2005 @11:46 PM

HAhaha.. i began the day helping fad again.. i shouldnt be doing it.. but i did.. i'm a bad boy... i BTH... if so fun to do model rather then facing the com all day long... finished 1 facade, stair case railings & more facades after... so fun so fun.. but it was back to cading after lunch... lalalaa... autocad is now "liddat liddat" le.. HAhahaa.. guess what was next? i was actually racing against this NUS girl that was here 4 attachment as well... she's a pro autocad-tist her typing speed is of what i ususally see in the office... She damn power loh.. took my seat.. leave me with the unstable stool.. ='( bully!! NUS jie jie bully SP Di di.. i bought some blueberries muffins from the bakery near my office... smells good, crisy on the outside & moist inside.. but.. its more of oilyness then moist.. .. still it was nice.. LAala... zzZZ

Tuesday, May 03, 2005 @11:54 PM

Live today as today, remember no pass of yesterday and seek no pressure of tomorrow. That’s why today is today. May simple existence be dull, but the beauty of simplicity is to be held in one’s heart, and that dull lives can be interesting if you know how to appreciate...

Don’t waste today thinking about yesterday... Don’t dream about tomorrow when you have yet to accomplish today... so what have you done today?

well, i've chop-choply finished my editing of Sentosa Marina drawing today and help Fadz out with his model which had a deadline tml. I'm so loving the feeling of model making... feels good.. went of to get materials during lunch hours.. guess who i saw? wang jian fu from mediacrop at bugis then i saw lester & edison at artfriends... back to office and work OT till 10pm... but i feel good... i'm doing models.. i'm doing i like... i missed lunch & dinner... yet i didnt fell hungry as i was concentrating on my work... hey man.. 5weeks of attachment is too short... cant it be lengthen?? 1 day spent on modeling.. wasted? nope... so how was your day?


nus architecture
age: 21


. Amanda C.
Ben Nai Tou.
Guang Yuan.
Pei Shan.



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Sasakure - Kotoko