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Wednesday, August 31, 2005 @2:18 PM

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smell my a**~ byebye...

Saturday, August 27, 2005 @10:04 AM

Okok.. i'm pratically brain dead after this week loh... but i will update! forgive me if i cant remember much... as far back as i can remember... Bro 5 planned for a little self outting trip during school hours not for play though, we head off to the National Library for a casestudy which we were suppose to hand in on Thursday... I ordered Cher Hao around to take photos with my cam and Dan to measure the panels (kinda bad that i have to recall this, but u all keep asking me what to do mah... so i just mention what had to be done) Cher Hao and Lester went around taking photos as Dan, Vivian and me sat at the concourse where Han's is to sketch... it was around 2+pm when we all packed up and head on to bugis then back to school... since tuesday was a long day (9am-5pm) we manage to sneak back in class before sch ends...

THE ENGINEER is HERE! he is in class! Mr Toh(Toe) thankz for bringing him to us... we dont need u(middle man) anymore... Lol... seriously why did the school even hire Mr Toe who doesnt know nuts about structure to teach us Materials and Architectural Techology(MAT)? Should hire his engineer friend instead, rite? just nob ur head.
After class, collected another piece of cheese cake from Tara. its MANGO + peach fav. this time! it's a larger piece this time... so i waited for the party of three to gather (me + LAO er + LAO da) to begin cake tasting... the cake tasted really nice... it does ok... but sadly... WHERE's the Mangos? i only got i tiny tiny bit of mango in the cream... and the cake is floor with the favour of peach... at the end of the day. Party of three concluded Q.C. PASSED! HEhee..
so Wednesday, i didn pon sch.. i went and i got home quite late.. actually too late to start off with my MAT submission... rush as usual... until the next morning *Rise and shine* (i saw the sky turn bright from dark.. Yayaya.. blah blah blah~ another day...
HA~ u think its over? No Way... just when i wanna slack after the MAT submission.. another mission was given to us on Friday... Interim Crit!!!! Mine is on Tuesday.. i agree with my niece's nick on msn... qouted from Harriet "... - tuesday interim, friday then tell us. fuck" my weekend was burnt... i was a zombi on monday(yesterday) and couldnt make it up in time for sch.. so i was stuck at home resolving the rest of my plans/floors + model making...
this is like the 2nd time i ever use a... this may sound DISTRUBING... but i actually used a Hand drill on my model.. Well... i'm sick of cutting columns(satay sticks) for my model... so this idea just hit the lazy me... y cant i just screw a god damn hole into the cut-out card board pieces and slot the colums in? so i did.. and its a hell lot of work getting the sticks to fit in... my hands was all purple after that... I really need to take a break from the model.. so i got back to my plans again.. sigh.. editing on the com is just god damn slow.. i printed everything and did manual draugthin instead... ... then the zzZZ bugs caught me.. Ouch... i was stung! and la la La-ing i made it into LaLa land..ZZ
lucky thing. my crit was in the afternoon.. so i went to sch early(maybe because class was early) well anyway.. i got there and did my work... LEster was Up 1st and it seems like he was screwed hard... can see the 'or bin' (back face) off him... Dan was another one.. HAhaha... Miss Chew became 'she pissed today' to dan... and when it was my turn, Oh no.~ i'm not done drawing.. why.. why does fara have to approch me with her problems... and why was i so good to entertain her questions.... Aarrgghh... sometimes i hate being too good a person... it's just really isn't much help when it comes to meeting dead line... Aiya~ what the Hack lah... Pinned up my drawings and i await my death on the shooting range.. Hahahaa~ i didnt die today... "Da nan bu shi, bi you hao fu" Miss chew gave me a few suggestions on how i can improve..
Suddenly i see the light at the end of the tunnel
Hahaha lalala~ so i'm free for now and free to update.. sorry for not being consistain... its my school work lah.. HEhhee... anyway.. i watched "alot like love" just now... aww~ love.. comes & goes and back... interesting.... kk.. till next time + i'm free.. tata

Monday, August 22, 2005 @6:49 PM

Listening to
[Lifehouse - You and Me]

Sunday, August 21, 2005 @11:57 PM

Ohhh... i missed out something~ HAhaaa... Thanks to shawn i'm once again 'orginal' in terms of SMS.. Lol... he asked me for nice nice bday sms... and with in an hour.... thats a bit too late to be asking around since most of us have already stop sending nice sms(s) so i tot of composing one for him... it's a pretty cute one loh... but he had to messed it up by editing... LOL... i used to create so many nice orginal SMS when i got my baby phone loh.. some how... i just lost the purpose to... but it seems like i haven lost my edge at it either.. Lol.... who recieved my orignal SMS b4..... TAG for me! (read shawn blog too... and find out why we are twins)

@12:58 AM

+My personal Portfolio+

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Yahoo~ the joint crit results are out! a grade higher for the next joint crit, sure! i must do it.! HAhaa... had a short disscussion with Mr Neo (who have a bad cold, i'm wondering did he pass it to me) anyway... i see what more i had to do from then on le... at least until the next joint crit.
We had special guest returing to SP on Friday.. they were 3 ex-students of SP Dip. in Architectural Technology students. Graduated in year 2001. they came back as 1 a photographer, a model maker & an architectual student (working) its pretty cool seeing what path they have choose after NS... ok... at least the architech & photographer was cool... the model make.. i believe Willy was his name.. he is not that cool.. HAhaa... and i tot i wanna go into his line of work... on 2nd thought... i might consider again.. Hehe... i know i do speak like him.. SINGLISH... but if his line of work(model making) cuts him away from socializing and thus lowering his standard of english... i'm not going there.. Lol.. really...

Saturday... ^ ^ i recieved a piece of blueberry chesese cake that Tara made for her sis + some sugar cookies... so nice of her to have offered me a piece... i shared it with my sis & mum(its more fun eating together rite? and i was given a big piece just for that purpose).. they all got different comments.. but no one say it was not nice.. Lol... means nice lah... i actually wanted to take a photo of the cake for this blog, but before i could reach out for the camera.. the last bite was already in my mouth.. HEhee... be serious it looks nice.. with the black berries on top...
I liked it =D
RECIPE RECIPE RECIPE!!! My sis wants RECIPE! Lol... see how long can u keep it a secret recipe.. Lol... anyway... jiayou for ur Mango cheese cake ah tara.. i'll be look forward to it... coz i love mangos too... =p

in Mapleland~

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I thought i gave the 'art of insult' a try after reading the papers today...

in the paper -> "guy to girl: u look almost like a man, girl reply: same to u"

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what really happened was.

Player A (me) happily trainning

Player B (kser) comes and hit whatever Player A hits 1st

*this guy is seriously bind*

Player A asked Player B "what did you K.S.(kill steal - hitting monsters that someone else has already started to attack) me?

Player B gave Player A the lame expression (-_-") and replied "fun!"

Player B added "what? still using stolen fence? so sad" before changing channels

Player A got really angry and played really hard until he reaches 99% EXP

Player A then track down Player B just to ks and Lvl up in front of him

Player A realized that he can ks even more after Lvling up, because he has more power now

Player B admits defeat, and ask Player A " dun ks le"

the rest.. u already know...

its double insult to him... for me a lvl 41 to be able to ks him a lvl 46... he was seriously inviting trouble when he said "u noob le cannot 1 hit ko"

Something Sweet Popped today.. Lol.... at least i find that it was since she still pops me a msg every now and then... NOva ah~!
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005 @11:22 AM


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@1:45 AM

Vending Machine...recently there has been some new models.. ones that sells drinks.. pretty common.. snacks.. getting use to it.. ice cream ones are cool, transparent machines kinda recent... u know what's new? TOAST MACHINE.. HEhee.. however its not a fast machine.. u will still need to wait for it to microwave... the toast was really compact lah.. i think they were trying to fit more into the machine... but i wonder how long the hams can remain fresh in there if no one touches it... k. so thats that... the ice cream machine is damn dumb.. HAha it works just like those 'grab a plush' machine in the arcade.. but instead of claws it has a vacumm... HAha.. it doesnt work man... keep sucking & dropping the ice cream back into the ice box... lucky things it doesnt work totally like the arcade machines.. if not for the drop sensers... i will be paying for ice cream that drop back into box..

anyway... LIzzy (attachment coleague)!! i saw her at Funan IT Mall... Wahaha... and vivian said " wah ur gf ah, so pretty "...... abit off rite? i wave at girls on the street, must be my gf ar? But it was funny to see her at Funan at 2:30pm loh.. its not lunch hour back at Mapsdesign.. she quit? or stocking up on inks for Maps' protter? Shawn.. u haven return me lizzy's name card.. Lol.. wanna keep her no. to urself izzit? lol

Monday, August 15, 2005 @10:27 PM

Aaa... Hello~! aaAaa... hmmmm... today i met 2 girls from my secondary school girl that i rearly get to see in SP... saw Patricia at the canteen with her friends, then i saw shuer also at the canteen... lol... i think shuer was circling the canteen to find seats, that's why she came across my table twice... and the dumbness thing i did was to wave to her twice respectively (she did the same) then her friends was all looking at me like a goldfish... *bubbles bubbles*

well class as usual... we watched a clip to end the day... it was cool... really... if i could speak half as fluently as that achitech freatured in the clip... god. i will thank god for it. but what's really neat was he has this concept kit that he always brings along. u will never guess what's inside.

- mini massing models of his previous projects
- dices with different book for reference on each face (to try his luck on soucing for ideas)
- magnetic board with inspirational words that he can arrange & group to form concept sentences (gotta get me one of those)
- some material samples (ACID RED BASS* <<-- his fav. i think) - the smallest personal portfolio ever 4cm by 5cm at least (really KawaII~)
- a small water colouring kit

all of these locked up in a small wooden case... HAha... neat!

not bad for a short attention spanned guy *me* to recall every item inside his case... ok.. i think thats all i can recall.. Lol... was ..zZZ through the rest of the clip... going on another site visit.. wahhaha... so shiok. going to end class early and after the site visit.. home is just 1 straight ride away... of coz + a bit of a walk lah... Bleahx =p

Friday, August 12, 2005 @12:32 AM

Finally i'm back here blogging when i've no mood to do anything else...

so lets begin with monday shall we?
i was suppose to meet up with shawn at boon keng mrt station before make our way to school. so while i sat on the seats and waited. three young girls (pr5 ~ sec1) came along and sat beside me. my god... i was all blushed when two of them help to ajust the bra strap for the one siting next to me... she was in a sleeveless v-neck blouse... aiyo~ i blushed almost too easlily...

anyway, the train i board was jam packed with red packets (in red tees) due to national day celebration in schools i think. There was a personality swap that day, Shawn actually didn't prepare for his presentation and Dan did... Lol... Yupz, there was a presentation going one. it is why i ended up in school in the first place. We were told by our lecturers to pair up withsome body so that one can take down constructive comments for the other presenting. BUZZ!! buddy system failed... I, who was not presenting that day, did all the note taking. Guess everyone is too busy thinking of their own presention to care about listening to each other's presentation. Sob Sob... ok, maybe its not that bad. I worte for everybody and at the same time i was absorbing what the panels would like to see in this presentation.

we all went home after crit, damn.. those three girls again.. i don't even have to think about anything and i blushed on seeing them.. anyway. i did the stupid ebooking for ns medical check up.. fucked up site.. keep sign me out just because i was taking too long to fill in the forms... it really was crap site, still is... too freaking secure... if you know we will be taking a long time to fill in the forms, couldnt you make life easier for us by not signing us out and having us to refill in the forms again? I took about 3 hours to complete the damn thing... so pissed

its national tuesday~!
what did you guys did at home? kinda boring huh? i slack even though i can prepare for my presentation.. i slack until my lao er calls me for 'family time'.. ya rite.. some family time it was.. HAha... i was the only one sitting in front of the tv watching the parade. it was only until further into the celebration was i joined by mum & lao er... same old ou-ta-ma story.. ~boring~ but fireWORKS! HAha i Love them Still~! WHO WAS AT THE PREVIEW OF NDP WHEN THEY WERE P5? TAG FOR ME!! HAhaahaa...

wednesday, aiyo. maple craze was on... finally i made it to ossyis in maple at 1:45am... pretty cool place to be at since i was pretty much bored of hitting the same old monster again and again. I'm having some trouble still, because the monster here are much stronger, but i'll get through and earning millions at the same time.. MUahhaa...

thusday, ok crap.. HAhhaa... i started only to prepare my presentation at 0000hr when i have to be up at 0600hr... lucky thing i had copies of work/plans i handed in, with me... at least with the copies i can layout all the drawings that i wanna show and rehearse it in my mind. i found myself done with all the preperation work at 0130hr... but i stay on msn until 0230hr before i couldn't make it and ..zZ

0600hr: wahh.. it has been so long, so long since i woke up this early... feels funny to be looking out into the dark blue sky. presentation was today. oh my. so nervours. met PSK on the train and chatted. still the butterfly didn escape while i was talking.. HAha.. it stayed in my tummy till my turn to present. ok, i started reading from my script i worte.. but half way through, i dont know why but i was then speaking off the drawing i pinned up then reading... Ahaa... i dont need the script no more. did i mention the dept. director was there listening also? scary sia... 1st time i presented to her. and she was toying with my model when i needed it to present loh... bth~ comments given was constructive. what the heck?! no one copying down for me. however it wasnt necessary ask i'm all empty after pouring out what i wanna present. all empty to hold new comments.. Hiaz.. i was the boardman today... i helped everyone to pin up & take down their drawing... even help to turn the boards around...

Yaz.. then went to Harbor Front Center for the Vivocity contest breifing... Hhaa.. Mr Ito's (jap)
english suck... his translator's english even worse.. HAhaa... i feel proud of singlish now... at least it is not made up of words in a sentence like jigsaw. prize money for the winner SDG 10k! WOW!!! join join joining.. HAhhaa.. wont kill me to do a few more drawings mah... more over.. it's not like i wil get short listed.. HAhhaa... so draw for fun see got chace annot.. Hhheee...

Thursday, August 04, 2005 @3:02 AM

i found someone who loves to draw manage alot alot... Lol... mapleSEA-is-really-a-goood-soscial-spark-off... ok... dotx dotx dotx... sleepy le... sheepy will be thinking... nitex

Wednesday, August 03, 2005 @2:43 AM

Look at who i've found...
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Tara, i didn't know u started playing mapleSEA again... lolx
and at an even higher level than me... Wahahahahahahaa...


jumping quests are just so irritating... i cant teleport...
i can only jump... and even worse, they have to put monkeys in it.
well anyway... i made it... i'm so bloody lucky, because to complete this quest,
i'm needed to collect the flower of a colour i was told.
Yupz. i forgot what colour i was told. So i picked my favourite colour outta the four given.
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Much Much Later....

Maple's censorship should also cover
'FUCK' 'FARK' 'F@RK' 'FU CK' etc...

what's the point of asking ppl to fuck off / change channel?
so dumb... it makes me even dumber to complain about guys who does that...
But u guys dont OWN the channel and u guys certainly dont OWN the game...
so quit acting like you're boss... and making it sound like we OWE you
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=the truth=

i've been a bad boy... i was mapling when there were so much work piled up...
i cant handle stress, i usually dont face them until the very last minute when it is the
"DO OR DIE" situation... well it is time... HAhaa.. CHIONG AR~!


nus architecture
age: 21


. Amanda C.
Ben Nai Tou.
Guang Yuan.
Pei Shan.



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Sasakure - Kotoko