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Sunday, August 12, 2007 @8:24 PM

=.= ... i was napping whole day since i got back from camp this morning.. i'm still sleepy...

it's been a LONG weekend in camp loh.. Woke up 0430 on Sat for breakfast and preparing to travel down to NeeSoon camp for range/combat shoot..

sianz.. kena ammo team.. keep loading 5.56MM BALL aka bullets into magz... arrrrrrH!H!!.. !!! shooting is pretty fast, loading is sickening slow... load till fingers gone jelly when it's my turn to shoot...

T.T end up a BOBO shooter of coz lah.. missing spree~
fly away my $200 no marksman..

night shoot ended almost sunday EARLY morning.. by the time all the stores & arms got back & accounted for in Khatib.. 1am+ le >.< might as well sleep in camp.. Booooooo ~!

7amp booked out and had breakfast with the guys @ mac.. yumMm~y Sweet honey & butter on my hotcakes =P chit chat like uncles..

K.O. as soon as i reached home.. Opss.. correction.. after i surfed the net abit..
and i ended up here blogging...

this month bz arrrr..... suddenly from no duties.. i got office duty next sat 18th.. 24~25th sec sch class gathering... o.o 1, 2.. no... 4~5years nv met my class girls le leh.. Buhaha.. dont get the wrong idea... i mean really... nv contacted them since o lvls... guys, we'll still go out for games mah...

haizzz............. book out to sleep.. book in to sleep again... BooOooo.....

take care everyone... seeya


nus architecture
age: 21


. Amanda C.
Ben Nai Tou.
Guang Yuan.
Pei Shan.



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Sasakure - Kotoko