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Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @9:45 AM

alright its been 1 week over into my life in nus.. i've got to say, its pretty much poly-like.
BUT... tones of readings... reference... need to be somewhat independent in sourcing out these books to read... which i am not.

I can foresee a 7day-week in nus the next few weeks to come, yes i have to be there every single day... That's becoz WE're(yes the whole studio of 12 peeps) building up a plywood structure.. huge project i'd say.

Rawr~ i feel like 100 yrs old now.. every few minutes i jus feel like closing my eyes & sleep..

..zZ back to work now.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @12:43 AM

Haha.. okearii Minz.. =)

i go slp le mah.. i'm like getting a splitting headache everywhere i go.. will update soon

Monday, August 11, 2008 @11:37 AM

080808: what a nice date huh? =)

TODAY i became lobster watch NUS RAG day under the Hot Early morning SUN WEARING FAC COLOUR BLACK Tee Shirt.. i go thie rag shirt that is black & has 41 writen on it... so why 41? Cause BLACK-4-1 ~ Awww(dilect)-for-1 ~All for one! Ok that's lame..

090808: NDP 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE.. so long nv celebrate 4 u le.. so how old are u huh? 4x?? omg u can be my papa.. Oppssy u're already my Motherland =p i got so bored that i actually turned on the tv to watch the parade.. XD

110808: sch days

Right.. Uni's gonna start today.. wish me good luck T_T so *jing zhang*

Wednesday, August 06, 2008 @11:49 PM

Finally... Bidding over.. LOL so much for camping and watching the last few mins of the bidding... I got my mods . YAY~!!! STRESS-free-me
hahaa... damn i still hate the system.. =p

WoooHooo~! its time to celebrate!!!!! (before i have my first lesson tat is)

ohya.. i dunno is its may's accent or my ability to hear.. i cant make out her words over the msn sound clip thingy... *self pity* must be my ears.. T_T

Saturday, August 02, 2008 @10:00 PM

Right... I done up my new blog background =)

i see Singapore Flyers =p

@11:34 AM

wah... i'm tired... I was sleeping with the laptop on my tummy last nite until i got an sms.. lucky for that i didn't crush my laptop with my mass..

o.o i dreamt.. of cans..
lots of drinking cans..
guess i helpout too much at the Float building
i bought like 20 canned drinks from 1 spoilt vending machince with jus 1 dollar..
haha... truly insane

msn gone noisy
been singing, talking, making funny noises over msn
with ariel, may, glenn (intenseMS buddies)

ok.. gotta go think about my modules again.. sigh... *poof*

Friday, August 01, 2008 @2:29 AM

module bidding sucks !
why so much modules ?
why we plan ourselve ?

i got anwser to those...

they did it 4 good reason
but i jus wanna complain !~!

i stressing till cannot sleep well... i think bidding round finish, only then can i KO..

I mADE Purchase!!! Lenovo T400... cant wait 4 it to arrive... oh wat am i toking about.. i've yet to settle my loan... sigh... faster come... 2mths.. T_T


nus architecture
age: 21


. Amanda C.
Ben Nai Tou.
Guang Yuan.
Pei Shan.



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Sasakure - Kotoko